The Mind of Bluesleepy

Rockin’ girls! 6 July 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluesleepy @ 6:23 pm

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Awww, YankeeChick elected me as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger! How cool is that???

So as instructed, I shall choose five more bloggers as Rockin’ Girls, and I’ll try not to repeat others who have already been selected.

First and foremost, I shall choose my sister Michele because she’s just cool like that.  Plus she is amusing to read, when she actually updates.  Ahem.

Secondly, I choose my best friend Caroline because I love to read all about the silly things her daughters say and do.  Plus she’s pregnant in the summer, which is never fun.  Send her chocolate.  She needs it desperately.

Third, we’ll go with Pseudowife, who used to write as Alleged Wife back in the days when everyone was still in Diaryland.   She always writes things to make you think and wonder and ponder the world around us.  Her Australian perspective is always good to have to see how we Americans are perceived in other countries, which, alas, isn’t as good as we could be.  Also her kids are serving in the Australian military, and any military family, regardless of the country of service, is A-OK in my book.

Fourth, I choose Chocolate Chaos.  I’m not quite sure why I keep reading her diary when she makes me drool over the yummy treats she cooks up in her grocery’s bakery!!  She tortures me with photos of peanut squares and other amazing delicacies.  But she’s a wonderful lady, always good to help out with a Pogo badge or even to just be an ear to listen when you’ve got trouble.  She always has some good advice too!

Fifth, we’ll go with Simplify, aka Catie.  She is the most amazingly creative woman I have ever met in real life or cyberspace.  She’ll find some old used thing at a flea market, paint it up and make it gorgeous, and it’ll look like it came from a swanky boutique in Beverly Hills.  Also her husband is Bulgarian, and I have a soft spot for the Bulgarians.  My boss in Virginia was from Bulgaria, and he was like another father to me.  A father who loved telling me dirty jokes, so maybe not quite that fatherly, but anyhow.  Catie’s way cool, and if you don’t read her, you should.

I wanted to choose more, really I did!  Basically if you’re female and you’re on my buddy list, I wanted to choose you.  But I had to narrow it to just five.  Please don’t be offended that I didn’t choose you!  You know I love you all!

Now these five women need to choose five more women as their Rockin’ Girl Bloggers.  At least that’s what I was told to do, and you all know I’m somewhat of a lemming.

Just keep me away from cliffs, would ya???


6 Responses to “Rockin’ girls!”

  1. twisterjester Says:

    Heee – well I guess I’m not a rockin’ girl blogger, but still a cute idea 🙂

  2. art Says:

    well, i been chosen, so neener!!

  3. Caroline Says:

    Thanks! YOU SO SWEET! Too bad i don’t know 5 people who still blog!

  4. The other half Says:

    who would be your five rockin’ guys?

    i hope i make that list!

  5. catiecake Says:

    Thanks for saying such outrageously kind things about me!

  6. Michele Says:

    awwwww!! okay, okay.. i’ll try to update more often but i always feel like what i write is not worthy to read. i mean, not like YOUR entries. besides, i’ve been fighting a little depression lately and when i’m in that frame of mind, i try not to write.

    thanks for the nomination and especially for choosing me first. that was sweet & unexpected.


    ahem. 😉

    love ya!

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