The Mind of Bluesleepy

Welcome to Rhode Island!! 18 September 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluesleepy @ 7:48 pm

(No one got my reference!!  Head to the back of the class, everyone.  I’m surprised Angela didn’t pick up on it.  It’s a reference to Family Guy, the animated show on Fox and Cartoon Network.  I think it’s Kurt’s favorite show.)

We are indeed in Rhode Island.   I have only seen it in the dark, so I am reserving my judgment of it.  So far it looks small.  This is a good thing to me.  The “big city” of Providence isn’t that far away, and then you have all the rest of New England right down the road.  Kurt says it’s beautiful here, and I’m looking forward to seeing it in the daylight.

We left DC at 9:30am or so this morning.  Kurt got a wee bit turned around on the Beltway — he thought we were on the Inner Loop and we were actually on the Outer Loop.  I was driving, so it didn’t really matter.  But he was confused as to why we hit the Baltimore/Washington Parkway before I-95 North, when the way he was looking at the map, it should have been the other way.

We made a very tiny error as we drove north.  Kurt originally planned for us to go through Philadelphia, but I jumped onto the NJ Turnpike a few exits too soon.  Ah well.  We can always take a vacation down there at some point.

So today we drove through Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.   Seven states in one day!!  Good Lord.

I took 70 photos today, but I can’t upload them.  Apparently the HoJo we’re staying at has a somewhat slow internet connection, so Flickr keeps crapping out.  Y’all will just have to wait to see them.

For the record, my friend Angela who signs my page is actually one of the people that I know in real life who reads this page.  We went to college together down at Mary & Bill (aka Billy & the Bitch if you’re a Virginia Tech or UVA alum, aka the College of William and Mary for the rest of creation).  She lives near Boston, so we’re totally stoked to be within a decent drive of one another again.  I haven’t seen her since I moved to Washington four years ago.

I can’t wait till Angela meets Grace.  Grace is just such a ham!!!

While in DC, Grace amused the family with almost everything she said.  Yesterday at dinner, she had finished all the milk in her glass.  As most kids do, she loves to drink a ton of milk to fill up so she won’t have to eat her dinner.  Slick kid, let me tell you.

So instead we gave her the one glass of milk, and told her when she finished it that there was no more milk.  To prove it, I showed her the empty milk jug that was still at the table.  Grace wouldn’t believe me and kept asking for more milk.  She was just so adamant, I couldn’t believe it.

Finally Kurt asked her, “Where’s the milk then??”  Her response: “Mark went to the store and bought more milk!  Look in the fridge!  I want milk!!!”

Damn, that girl is good.  Sharp as a tack!  We didn’t even think that she’d seen Mark come home with an extra gallon of milk.  How could we refuse at that point?

It’s going to be fun raising this kid, let me tell you!!!!


7 Responses to “Welcome to Rhode Island!!”

  1. twisterjester Says:

    You think it’s cute now. Wait until she’s a teenager 😉

  2. art Says:

    hahahaa!! slick gracie she is!! welcome to RI!!! gracie is the star of the show, for sure!! MORE MILK!!! yay!!!

  3. Caroline Says:

    o0o0o0o what a slick Grace! Moira picked that up from her cousins back in June but gratefully only fills up on milk with her cousins around so I only have to really say anything is then!!! 🙂 And yes, RI is very pretty. And I’m going to be so jealous when you go to Boston before me!!!!!

  4. Angela Says:

    You know, I was wondering if that was a reference to the “Road to Rhode Island” episode – you know I LOVE FG. 😉 I have a talking Quagmire that I use to crank-call my co-workers (when I did my brief job change, the office gift to me was a talking Stewie, ha!). Allllllllll right!

    I am so excited to have you here, I have missed the heck outta you!! 🙂 Hope the new house is everything you hoped for – can’t wait to see you and FINALLY meet that gorgeous little girl of yours!!! 🙂

    In closing, I would just like to remind you that today is Talk Like a Pirate day, so….ARRR matey, that be one fine booty! 😉

  5. shipjumper Says:

    Hmmmm….perhaps America has on their hand the very first Toddler Private Detective? See if Law and Order or CSI will add her to their scripts! Think of it….who could lie to a four year old cutie like that when being interrogated?? OK OK OK I DID IT!!

  6. whatdayisit Says:

    I am sure that Gracie will continue to astound you with everything she picks up by watching and listening to others. It can be a fun time and a real “learning experience” from now on. LOL

  7. soylicious Says:

    o my gosh! i read this entry yesterday and forgot to comment because i was so blown away by what Gracie said.

    does this mean you’re gonna nickname her: Grace Slick? Ha, ha!!!

    Love you! 🙂

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