The Mind of Bluesleepy

Sunshiny cold 28 February 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluesleepy @ 2:51 pm


Woke up this morning, rolled out of bed
Felt like a dog who’d been kicked in the head
Picked up my mail, there was this letter that read…
“Love for sale, love for sale.”
Bon Jovi “Love for Sale”

The link is to a live version of it that Bon Jovi played in 1993. I much prefer the studio version, the one found on the B side of their album New Jersey only because it sounds like something they accidentally recorded late one night while they were drunk. Jon Bon Jovi starts yammering throughout it, and it just sounds like a lot of fun. (You can hear it here, though there is no video, and it cuts out 20 seconds too soon, which is a shame. One of the funniest parts of the whole song is the end when Jon says, “Rich, I gotta go. I gotta go hooooooome.” And Richie Sambora replies, “You gotta go home to your woman?” And Jon replies, “Let’s just let’s just let’s just say the record’s done.” It makes me giggle every time I hear it.)

And no, it is not your normal Bon Jovi, so really, please take a listen. I love how acoustic it is. It was one of my favorite songs when I was a kid. Back in the day, when I was still in elementary school, I had a few tapes. One was Slippery When Wet, and of course, New Jersey, and my other go-to tape was Styx’s Kilroy Was Here, of “Mr Roboto” fame. Yes, I had wacky tastes in music as a kid. I never did get into New Kids on the Block or even Madonna. For me, it was hair bands all the way.

Good times, the late 80s, before alternative grunge took over and everyone started wearing flannel.

Another good day today, can you tell? And yes, folks, I am making them good days. They aren’t good days by accident, you see.

While I made breakfast, Grace played with her Word Whammer and came up with one of the best words ever!

A very good thing to wake up to

Now how can you have a bad day when it starts off with such an auspicious beginning??

I dropped off a book for my friend Craige at the post office, hoping to beat the lunch rush, but still getting stuck in a fairly long line. Boy, do I miss my teeny post office in Washington. There was never a line there, except during the Christmas rush. But the post office here has plenty of books for kids to read as their parents wait in line, so Grace loves going there. And she’s pretty well behaved as well.

I’ve also decided to go back to using Bare Escentuals as my foundation. I’d been using MAC powder foundation for a long while, but ever since I got pregnant, it’s been turning my face into an oil slick. After just a couple of hours, my face looked terrible. So I found a teeny bit of Bare Escentuals under the sink and tried that. What do you know? It works! I figured it would; it’s what I used when I was pregnant with Grace.

That was pretty much the end of that jar of foundation. What to do? Fortunately there is a boutique down in Newport that sells it, so we headed down there. There is very little parking downtown, which meant I had to park a half mile from the boutique and walk down.

But you know? It was perfect. It’s such a lovely day outside today, with the bright sunshine, blue skies, no clouds at all. It is cold, only 28º, but with the sun it didn’t feel that cold until the wind came up. The walk wasn’t so far, and I got to see a lot of storefronts that we normally just race by on our way to Thames Street. There are so many little restaurants there, and most had their menus posted. My tummy started rumbling as we made our way slowly back to the van, and I read these fantastic descriptions of various offerings. One place even had sweet potato fries! I am not a fan of sweet potatoes, but for some reason, I love sweet potato fries. We got them once as a meal for Grace at a sushi place in Washington, and I could not stop eating them.

The rest of the agenda for today includes more laundry, and lots of Jane Austen (the BBC production of Pride and Prejudice that was featured on Masterpiece Theatre) and stitching!

It’s a good day, folks. Enjoy it.


12 Responses to “Sunshiny cold”

  1. chaosdaily Says:

    I love Bon Jovi! I think he has a lot of talent, and he’s good looking, too! heh.

  2. twobecameone Says:

    Aimee is a HUGE Bon Jovi fan! HUGE!

    I, too, did some stitching today. I have until April 23 to finish this USMC Sampler I am currently working on. Jack and I both feel I can get it done before our friend’s birthday. I’m sure I can.

    It was cold here today, too. I don’t think our temperatures made it out of the 20’s either. Boy, Spring can’t get here soon enough.

  3. MilitaryMom Says:

    I was a total hair band FREAK in the 80s! Good to know there are other freaks out there like me. I’m glad you are feeling better and that you are having a good day. I promise i’ll get back to normal with the posting and the blogging, as soon as I break the funk that has settled over me. I loved your post today, Love For Sale was a favorite of mine too, the B side acoustic version. I was such a Bon Jovi dor, and ya know what, I still am. LOVE THEM! Cheers!

  4. MilitaryMom Says:

    Yeah, that was supposed to say Bon Jovi dork (see, I AM a dork)

  5. sleepyjane Says:

    You can’t possibly have a bad day after that adorable smile! You have quite possibly, the cutest little girl in THE ENTIRE WORLD. 🙂

    And you know how I feel about eighties music.

    Sounds like a lovely day so far Blue. 🙂

  6. Elle Says:

    Ooooooh Bon Jovi. Yum.

    Gracie is so sweet you could eat her with a spoon. Many more good days to you!

  7. cardiogirl Says:

    I’ve never heard of that Word Whammer game. It looks like fun, but the important question is: does it have an off switch?

    I love sweet potato fries! I make them every couple of days by slicing them thin, putting them on a cookie sheet with Pam spray and Mrs. Dash on the slices. 450 degrees for 15 minutes and then add salt. Mmmm.

  8. Aimee Says:

    Bon Jovie was super hot. I loved Jon in elementary school. Except that my Brother teased me because he listened to “better, more creative alternative music…” And given my hero worship of my Brother I tried to pretend like I didn’t like them either. Oh dear Jon, so sorry for the intellectual snobishness. I heart you and your feathered hair.

  9. whatdayisit Says:

    What an adorable picture. I think you should have her put DADDY on it and take a photo and make it a Father’s Day Card! So cute.
    Sounds like you had a great day together. Glad you posted…

  10. Shear Says:

    Bon Jovi…swoon. Do you have a boy baby name picked out?

  11. Blue Opal Says:

    Grace is, as ever, absolutely adorable. And as to the makeup, lucky you! I can’t wear most cosmetics. Allergies suck 😦

    The book you’re reading looks interesting, though – gotta check it out!

  12. dee Says:

    Here’s a you tube link to the conversation for “love for sale”

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