The Mind of Bluesleepy

About 4 May 2007

Welcome to my diary! I am a stay-at-home mother of two daughters and the wife of a Navy sailor, which becomes hugely obvious from the moment you start reading. I am also trying my damnedest not to lose my self in the world of mommyhood and wifehood. I am a mother, yes, but I am first and foremost myself. That’s not to say I don’t love being a wife and mother. I just don’t want to be defined by those roles.

My husband and I are currently residing in Rhode Island. I am originally from Virginia, as much as a Navy brat can be from anywhere. Yes, that’s right. I am a Navy brat. Apparently I couldn’t get enough of the Navy as a child, so I had to marry a sailor. It’s funny how those things work out.

I really have enjoyed living in New England the last three years or so, and will miss it terribly when we relocate to Virginia soon, especially since I will be going back to an area very familiar to me.  Then again, at least I will know the area once we move, and I already have friends there.

In my personal life, I have a father, I have a stepmother (whom I usually refer to as my mother), and I have two siblings. My sister Michele is four years older than me, and my brother Mark is ten years younger. They all live on the East Coast.

I love to read. I read obsessively. I read every night before bed so that I can fall asleep. For the last year or two, I have been into historical fiction. When I was in high school and college, I was all about science fiction. When I was a kid, I loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder series. I guess my tastes are rather cyclical.

Lately I’ve been getting into photography. I take tons of photos of my daughters, as well as my cats (when they sit still long enough). I much prefer to take photos of things other than people or animals, however. Check out my Flickr link if you’re interested.


6 Responses to “About”

  1. karmacat Says:

    Hello! I’m setting up shop here (moving from D’Land) and found you while Googling how to move my archives to the new place. Anyway, I live in RI, so let me be among the first to welcome you and your family to the Ocean State!

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  3. wcdiva Says:

    If you want to read my other private journal reserved for friends let me know, and I will email you a password.

  4. Colleen R Says:

    Hi! Mt name is Colleen and a friend of mine from Navy gave me this address to contact you. My husband Paul left for boot camp on 10/9 and I have questions about insurance, etc. Could you help me? I grew up in a Military town but have never lived the Military lifestyle. I am excited about our adventure, and meeting new people along the way. My email address is I would love to hear from you and possibly have some questions answered from one wife to another. 🙂 Thank you again and take care.

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